Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Who Am I?

To answer this question, I should start at the beginning...but that would take too long. So, let's start with the birth of my first child Kayla, who saved my life. She is my angel sent from God...

Kayla is almost 12 years old...she's a strong personality and force in my life. She makes me smile, laugh, cry, confused....and makes me want to pull my hair out at times!! Kayla is beautiful...she looks just like her father, dark skin, dark hair, blue eyes....just the opposit of me, except the eyes. She's entering the teenage years...don't we all remember those...AAAAHHHH!...and she's starting to "date," if that's what you call it when you're 12. My husband is having a hard time adjusting to this new phase of adolescence, as am I. We'll see how it goes and have the shotgun on back-up in the meantime :) Just kidding....sort of.

Two and a half years after Kayla was given to me by our glorious Lord....Jonah Ethan was born. He's my 2nd angel, by baby, my pride and joy...and yes, he drives me nuts at times, too! Jonah is 9, now, and going through the "agression" stage that I think all little boys go through. He wants to wrestle, and play fight, and pick on his sister all the time! He loves basketball, football, and baseball. He's going to be a "lady's man" when he gets older, so I'm not looking forward to the phone calls mom's receive from their son's broken-hearted ex-girlfriends. Yes, I'm bragging about Jonah...but what else are us moms supposed to say about our good-looking sons? To me, He's gorgeous and perfect!

My husband, Ray, and I met while we were both working at an Outback Steakhouse in my hometown about 8 years ago. He's not the "father" of my children, but he sure is their "Dad." Ray is the nicest guy I've ever known, and he continues to surprise me everyday. As a marriage and family therapist, I wish I could bring Ray into my sessions with me to show clients how a "real man" supports and loves his wife and children. Ray is a sommelier (wine expert), and he is very good at his job, if I do say so myself. He's introduced me to some of the greatest wines out there. One day, we hope to travel to all of the great vineyards around the world.

So, I'm a very proud mother, satisfied wife, and......a beginning mental health counselor.

I worked as a paralegal for 4 years and just hated my job. I realized I COULD do something about it and went back to school. I've always conceptualized myself as a counselor to my friends and family...a good listener to people with problems. So, I began my second go at an education and majored in psychology. From there I went on to get my specializations in Mental Health Counseling and Marriage and Family Therapy. Now, I'm interning and finishing up my practicums and final classes. I can't wait to start my own practice someday.

I love psychology, and I'm especially intrigued by couples and family systems and how every person affects another person he or she interacts with. Observing and assessing family dynamics and transactions is fascinating to me, and figuring out solutions to problems and symptoms is like solving a puzzle....finding the missing pieces or the pieces that do not fit, rearranging the pieces, and putting the pieces back together again in a way that makes sense....and ending up with a beautiful surprise that works. Family counseling is such a rewarding enterprise!!

Besides being a mom, a wife, and a counselor, I am also a free-spirit, a child of God, a student of life, a teacher to my children, a collector of books, a lover of animals, a spectator of people, and a newbie to blogs.

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